Our Constitution

This constitution was signed by Robert Carpenter-Turner (Chairman) & Elaine Lewis (Secretary) on 5th October 2022.


The name of the Association is the Kennet Beekeepers Association (KBKA). It is an independent association but affiliated to the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) through the Wiltshire Beekeepers Association (WBKA Reg. Charity No.1198735), an Area Association Member of the BBKA.


  1. To promote and develop interest in beekeeping in all its forms throughout, but not exclusively, the Kennet area.

  2. To represent the interests of its members at all levels.


This shall be open to any applicant who completes an application form together with the payment of the relevant subscription and who has not previously been declined membership.

Full Member shall be one who has paid both the association subscription and capitation fees as prescribed by the Wiltshire Beekeepers Association. A full member has voting rights at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Partner Member shall be a partner of and reside at the same address as a Full Member and be one who has paid both the association subscription and capitation fees as prescribed by the Wiltshire Beekeepers Association. A Partner Member has voting rights at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Local Member can be a full member of another association, or a social member, and will only pay the Local subscription. Local Members do not have voting rights.

Country Member shall be one who has paid both the association subscription and capitation fees as prescribed by the Wiltshire Beekeepers Association but who does not keep bees and does not pay BDI. The Country Member has voting rights at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Junior Member shall be one aged between 10 and 18 years and be affiliated to a Full Member. The cost of a Junior membership is covered by KBKA. A Junior Member cannot vote at General Meetings and may only attend association events with a nominated guardian.


An annual association subscription shall be recommended by the appointed association Committee before the Annual General Meeting. The membership will be notified in advance and any changes will take effect immediately having been ratified by the Annual General Meeting. For full members the annual compulsory capitation fees and optional Bee Disease Insurance will be added to the agreed Association subscription. Subscriptions will run from the 1st October to the following 30th September or any part of the year thereof. Payment of fees is expected to be paid during October, however any payments received after 31st October will attract a £5.00 late payment charge.


The Secretary will call an Annual General Meeting at anytime but no later than 14th October on an annual basis and will provide fourteen days’ notice to members together with an Agenda. At that meeting an election will take place to appoint the Officers of the Association: a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to nine further Committee Members. All Officers and Committee Members will be appointed for a period of one year but may seek re-election after their period in office. Officers will be elected by a show of hands at the Annual General Meeting, having been proposed and seconded by a paid up member of the Association present at the meeting. Alternatively, the meeting may be held as a virtual meeting and in this case the voting will be recorded electronically.

The quorum for a meeting will be a minimum of 20% of the paid up members of the Association who are eligible to vote as defined in the membership section.

The Committee will be responsible for all activities of the Association during the year and will meet at least four times a year, or more if needed. A quorum for a Committee Meeting shall be at least five committee members of which one must be the Chair, Treasurer or Secretary.

The rules of the association will be documented and made available on our KBKA website. Our policies on acceptable behaviour, safeguarding and others will fall in line with the appropriate policy standard adhered to by BBKA and WBKA alike and will be referenced on our website along with the provision of appropriate website links.

A Special General Meeting may be called at any time on a motion called by at least twelve paid up members giving fourteen days notice.
KBKA meetings shall be held throughout the year as decided by the Committee and a programme communicated to all members via the Association’s website or Chairman’s Newsletter.


No alterations or amendment of these rules shall take place except by ballot of Full Members at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting, called for the specific purpose of such alteration or amendment.

Winding Up

In the event of the Association becoming nonviable it will be the duty of the Treasurer and authorised signatories of KBKA to clear any outstanding debts owed by KBKA using available funds and any remaining positive balance to be forwarded to Wiltshire BeeKeepers Association/BBKA.

Link to printable version of Kennet Beekeepers Association Constitution