Chairman’s letter – November 2023

Dear Kennet BeeKeeper,

I am sending this NewsLetter email a few days early as we have our club “First Wednesday in the Month Meeting” this coming week.  So on Wednesday 1st November at Bishop Cannings village hall at 7.30 we have an illustrated talk by our own Master BeeKeeper, Richard Oliver, who will be giving a talk with the amusing title of  “Dave the Drone is Dead”.  This will be based on the fact that currently, and in most cases, in our members’ colonies this will be true. The talk will take us through Dave’s life from the colony’s decision to start creating drone comb, early development, adult life and subsequent demise. At the end of the talk Richard will cover other aspects including Varroa and drifting,  before offering beekeepers some management suggestions to consider for their colonies next season. I do always urge members to be there for our interesting talks – so no excuses and I hope to see you


Having said our meetings take place on Wednesdays the exception to the rule is December’s meeting that will be on Friday 1st December 2023 and is our annual Skittles Night. Places need to be booked in advance and costs £15.00 per head to include your night of skittles and a lovely buffet. As we need to confirm numbers with the venue, the cut off date to register and pay, is Saturday 18th November. We welcome members and their partners, family or friends. The payment can be made by cash or card to Elaine this coming Wednesday or contact her directly for alternative arrangements. Elaine can be contacted on 07890 908168 or

Some members may be interested in entering exhibits into the Bath & West Show next year, so now is the time to hold back some of your honey or hive products so that you have entries available early in the season. On that note, we at Kennet, have been offered the opportunity to learn more about preparing your entries into competitions and how to get the best results. This level of detail is not for everyone, so should you be intersted do contact Elaine Time, date and venue to be confirmed once interest has been gauged.

BBKA Insurance.  Members often wonder what is covered and they have confirmed that the £10 million Public & Product Liability Insurance for BBKA members was renewed 4-10-23.   The Public & Product Liability Insurance Confirmation Letter for those members who need to provide certification for eg hiring a market stall,  is available to download from the website.  You will need your membership number and postcode to login.  From the ‘Select Publication’ drop down menu, click on BBKA Documents.  See attached FAQ’s BBKA insurance for full details.

I would like to check that all members are receiving the monthly BBKA magazine. If you are not receiving it could you let our membership secretary know at

There is a small shop at Wilton Windmill open during the summer Sundays.  Would any member living near like to supply them with Honey?  If so call Charles Baxter 07775 589641 

So as the season closes down and winter comes on at last a shorter News Letter from me. But we MUST get an Asian Hornet team together for next year – Can you lead on this?  Help please on AH – I want to hear from you.  

I do hope to see many of you at Richard’s talk and that you are all practicing your skittles to win the great trophy of a Skittle Player mounted on a beehive.

All best
