Chairman’s Letter – September 2024

Dear Kennet BeeKeeper,

Well, after 10+ years this will be my last monthly Newsletter to you all, as you should know by now that at our forthcoming AGM I have decided to retire from being the captain of your ship, the great Kennet BKA.  Over the last years there have been several storms to guide KBKA through, in particular getting our parent group Wiltshire BKA onto a firm footing, and acquiring an apiary in Horton Road (we had no apiary, no bees, a few old hives and many mouse eaten suits when I became chair and about 30 members), followed by our present new apiary with a Honey kitchen. We now have over 180 members, and I have still to meet some of you, but in the old days I did manage to remember most members names.  Now for the FUTURE.

Our next meeting is our AGM, lecture and Honey Show, all on Wednesday 4th September, at Bishop Cannings Village Hall with doors open at 6.30 pm for delivering your entries to our HONEY SHOW. But don’t forget to send your entries in to Emma Morley by Tuesday 3rd September. I want to encourage you all to turn up for this event where your vote for our new chair and treasurer is really important. Not only that but you will hear Chris Parks talking about the author of the first book on beekeeping  “The Feminine Monarchie or The Historie of Bees”  by the Rev. Charles Butler (1571-1647). You will be glad to hear that we then have a break for sandwiches tea/or coffee which will be provided.  All this goes on at one end of the hall while at the other end our own HONEY SHOW is being judged by honey judge Claire O’Brian.  After judging the honey she will give a short talk on the standard of our show and what and why she gave prizes.  

For a long time now I have been looking for a member to stand up and offer to be the new Chair of KBKA after I retire from this enjoyable position.  I am really happy to recommend that you all support Sonia Meadows as our new chair.  Sonia has only been a beekeeper for a few years, but has involved herself in the Wiltshire Bee and Honey day as Exhibitor and Sponsor Coordinator and she has corporate experience.  I would like to thank her for offering to take on this important role, and with your support and I know the support of our great KBKA committee  she will lead the way forward for our Beekeeping Association.  Do please give your support. We also have to vote for a new Treasurer and John Boutal has kindly offered to stand. I hope the AGM will support John who will have a phased transition with our present treasure, Ceri Gosling, giving support over next 12 months.  A big thank you is due to Ceri who has given great advice and managed our accounts over the difficult time of becoming a charity and getting gift aid back for KBKA. 

EFB, (European Foul Brood) has been found in the Devizes area.  The National Bee Unit bee inspector has check all members who are registered on Beebase but is there anyone who is not on the BeeBase books? If any member who has bees and is not on BeeBase and especially if they live in the Devizes area do check and get registered at:- it is free and a great support to new beekeepers. 

Our Apiary Manager has kindly made a list of Jobs for September  that all beekeeper need to do at this time of year.  They are all at the bottom of this email – together with some equipment and bees that are for sale – have a look details right at the bottom

As I said before this is my last Newsletter to you as your Chair.  I have written twelve a year for ten years, so a total of 120 and not yet miss a publication date! Just for fun I attach a PDF of the first Chairman’s  letter I sent in January 2014 – you might be amused to read it.

All best wishes to you all
