Chairman’s Letter – March 2021

Dear Kennet BeeKeeper  

Well, I am writing this on the last Saturday of February and the Sun has been shining for the last few days and my bees are out collecting what pollen they can find.  The KBKA WhatsApp site (If you want to join the Associations WhatsApps do let me know) is a-buzz with some prize winning photos of bees on Snowdrops and Crocus – and none of my bees seem to be on any my Snowdrops or Crocus so I have not managed any photos – yet!  They are all on my neighbours. With this sunny weather remember that March is the time we lose colonies that have come through the winter and just do not have enough food to get through to Spring.  Check and feed is my rule. 

Our next zoom talk is this Wednesday 3 March at 7.30 and will be given by Roger Patterson.

Topic: Improve Your Bees and Beekeeping – Simply with Roger Patterson
Time: Mar 3, 2021 07:15 pm join early meeting to start at 7.30 pm
(See Email for Zoom details)

This will include some simple suggestions for beekeepers of all abilities, that may help them to improve managing and handling techniques and also the characteristics of the bees they keep. The intention is to encourage beekeepers to look at what they are doing, in the hope they can make changes, which should increase their own enjoyment and possibly avoid others being stung. Roger is one of the UK’s  beekeeping characters and I am sure you will enjoy hearing him. Roger says of himself:-   “I have never been happy at using the term “lecture”, because I don’t consider I lecture to anyone. I simply pass on the information that bees and other beekeepers have taught me in over 50 years of beekeeping. Most of my material is based on practical beekeeping, because I think most beekeepers want to understand their bees, so they can keep them better. I do not read books, then tell the audience what I have read. As I regularly say, I tell beekeepers what I know, not what others know. This often conflicts with mainstream thinking, because I have observed what bees do. I prefer to use the term “presentations. I am probably best known for my Border Collie Nell who goes to most places with me. Those who know her will know she seeks attention (and biscuits) wherever she goes and is probably the best known dog in beekeeping. I spent three days at the 2015 National Honey Show, where I kept a tally of the number of people who asked me where she was – 29! I don’t mind being known because of my dog! Nell has been joined by Rosie, who is a lookalike, but just as friendly, if a bit noisier.’ 

Apiary Manager:-  We still do not have one for Horton Road Apiary!  Could you step up to the position and help KBKA?  I have had a good response for the A-Team and hopefully have a good team,.  I feel this is really such an important job for the Association that if no one comes forward for Apiary Manager I will offer to be the interim manager until we can fill the position. If there is someone who has the time and wishes to do it jointly with me, with the aim of taking over that would be a solution. Please let me know if you are that person.

The BBKA are running a seminar on 6th March 10.00am – 4.30pm for those who are interested in Asian Hornet and especially those who are interested in supporting their local associations and AHAT representatives. The details to register are listed below and if you are keen to support our AHAT team, please can you email Andy Reed at to let him know. we are only sharing this information with AH teams as we want as many of them as possible to attend.  Places are limited so please encourage your team members to book asap. If you need any further information please contact

Our club secretary Elaine, would like to hear from you if you have provided in the last few years any presentation or talk about bees, beekeeping or the plight of pollinators generally to any group of people, club or schools etc. Elaine is just trying to gauge how much our club are helping towards WBKA overall aim of educating the public. If you have been involved with anything however small, please drop her a line at

All best wishes

Robert Carpenter Turner

Chairman Kennet Beekeepers

Tel: – 01672 852265    email:-