Chairman’s Letter – February 2021

Dear Kennet BeeKeeper  

I hope that you are well and looking forward to doing some beekeeping.  I know I remind everyone every year but we are getting near the critical time for stores in our colonies and this is just to remind you to check there is enough food for perhaps a cold February and March – just remember the last few years with snow in March. 

Our zoom talk from Martin and Clare from Buckfast was much appreciated by members – I had several emails and phone calls to say how good it was.  I think it was the way the two of them just worked together, one taking over from the other in the easiest manner. They are coming back on 1 September 2021.  

Our next zoom talk is this Wednesday 3 February at 7.30 and will be given by one of our members Richard Rickett.  So we are in for another great evening when we join Richard on his Rolls-Royce to Rajasthan a jaunt around the UK – and even further afield – as he talks about more of the fascinating places he has been and the people he has met while working as co-editor of BeeCraft magazine. Travelling in style from the jungles and deserts of India to the birthplace of the theory of evolution, stopping off at the site of some illegal beekeeping skulduggery and taking a peek at a little local royalty along the way, this is a follow-up to the talk From Buckfast to Buckingham Palace which Richard gave to Kennet last year. There are no complicated beekeeping theories to remember or ghastly bee diseases to depress you; just sit down with a glass of wine and be intrigued, amazed, and entertained. Just right for other members of your family.

 KBKA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Rolls-Royce to Rajasthan with Richard Rickett
Time: Feb 3, 2021 07:15 pm join early meeting to start at 7.30 pm
(See Email for Zoom details)

My policy on zoom talks is not to book them up too far in advance – especially during the summer as I, like all of you, are hoping that we can get back to some form of normality and have meetings in the village hall, cups of tea together,  go to the apiary, and look at our bees unhindered by masks etc.  So I am only booking speakers about 2 months ahead.  I am always looking for the right speaker so do let me know if you have any suggestions.  Now I have booked Roger Pattison who will be giving his   ‘Improve Your Bees and Beekeeping – Simply’ on Wednesday 3 March – Do put that date in your diary as Roger is one of the great characters in beekeeping and I am sure you will not wish to miss him. 

At the bottom of this email you will find several useful emails from the BBKA and one from BIBBA giving details of useful Spring 2021 webinars and last of all one from Martin at Buckfast answering a difficult question on RNA he was asked at our last talk.  Most interesting. 

Finally for now, may I remind you if you have not already done so, you can catch the latest edition of the Honey Bee Times on the Wiltshire BKA website or by clicking on this link.  Also Wiltshire BKA now have new officers with our own association’s,  Sophie Butcher as chair, Peter May as vice chair,  and Ceri Gosling as Treasurer, so many congratulations to you all.  We look forward to moving forward to a brighter future with WBKA under its new leadership! 

All best wishes

Robert Carpenter Turner

Chairman Kennet Beekeepers

Tel: – 01672 852265    email:-