Chairman’s Letter – August 2020

Dear Kennet Beekeeper, 
I have just got back from a week on the K&A canal and find a swarm in my garden hedge – great! So it is now safely in a box and tonight I will close the entrance and first thing tomorrow I will move it to my garden apiary site hoping that only a few bees remember the way back to the swarm site.  This was one of mine as far as I can tell, so bad beekeeping from your Chairman! 
I feel we are all slowly, oh SO slowly, getting back to some form of ‘Normal’.  We have managed to hold some classes in small groups for some of our “NewBee’s” having done risk assessments for the apiary and for the classes. I just hope that you are all well.
The good news is that it has been a really good year for honey and most of us should have a reasonable crop.  Don’t undersell your products and remember that the KBKA recommend a guide price of £6.50 for a 1 lbs jar – or equivalent. I am selling at that price and so far no one has complained.  Remember also, that we do have extractors available via the club. One is held with me and is available at a charge of £13. Alternatively, there is an extractor available at a discounted rate of £10 due to having a slight leak but is still usable. To borrow this extractor please contact Dick Church at

 Our next club meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 5th August will be another Zoom meeting. I have invited John Haverson to join a general discussion about “What the Bees Need”.  John is a great expert on natural beekeeping and keeps Warré hives.  He will be both interesting and controversial and I hope you will learn new information that will make you a better beekeeper altogether. To allow for logging in you can join the meeting early at 7.15 pm, in readiness for a prompt start at 7.30 pm. 

KBKA Zoom Club Meeting. 
What the Bees Need, By John Haverson
Time: Aug 5, 2020 07:15 PM
Join Zoom Meeting (details within members email)
The Out apiary at Green Lane allotments still remains available, if you are interested and would like further info contact Elaine on:-
Just a reminder about the WhatsApp group.  I am not sending out the link generically, as one of the groups I am on has been hacked into and some unpleasant postings have been made.  If you wish to join Kennet group, please just contact me directly and I will invite you in.
You may remember that in my last letter I asked if we had an accountant that could help get us ready for Gift Aid.  Well, good news we do, and thank you to our member who kindly came forward.
Finally, please find below a few words from the BBKA President with information about BBKA exams. There is also a call out for anyone who able to assist with people who are deaf and blind as BBKA have been approached by Deaf Blind UK who would very much like to arrange a talk about beekeeping.  If you know anyone who is a blind or visually impaired beekeeper and would be prepared to speak, please could you contact Leigh Sidaway at

 Keep well

All best wishes
Robert Carpenter Turner

Chairman Kennet Beekeepers

Tel: – 01672 852265    email:-