Chairman’s Letter – February 2019

Dear Kennet Beekeeper,

I am sending this Chairman’s February news letter a bit early as we have our first lecture this Friday 1 February at Bishop Cannings Village Hall, SN10 2LA staring at 7.30. We have Andy Willis giving his talk “Bees eye view of beekeeping” which will be looking at everyday beekeeping from the bees perspective. I think you will all enjoy his close up photos of honeybees – a talk not to be missed and one that will interest other non beekeepers – so do bring that extra person who would enjoy this event.

A big welcome to all our new beekeepers – it was noted that none of you turned up to first event in January – so I really do hope all, or some, of you make it to Bishop Cannings this Friday evening. Please come and introduce yourself to me.

Talking of the 2019-20 programme – it is now finished and printed and ready to collect this Friday at the lecture, or will be posted out to you next week. I have some really great speakers coming to KBKA and I hope you will now put the talks into your diary. The talks are one of the most expensive items that the association arranges for the members. We have some well known beekeeping names coming including Norman Carreck and Celia Davis to mention but two. So don’t miss out and get the dates in your diary. Remember we change to the first Wednesday in the month for the lectures, from April.

Finally don’t forget the Asian Hornet or AHATS (Asian Hornet Action Team) day on Saturday 23 February. At Bromham Social Centre, New Road, Bromham, Nr. Chippenham, SN15 2JB. Staring at 1.30. It is important that we all recognise this creature and can tell the difference form our own European hornet. Another date for your diary. Free entry. Learn to identify AH. Learn to track AH. The importance of monitoring.

And don’t forget to check your bees for stores, go heft the hive, if it feels light put on some fondant.

With Best Wishes,

Robert Carpenter Turner

Chairman Kennet Beekeepers

Tel: – 01672 852265    email:-