Dear Kennet Beekeeper,
May I start by wishing you all a Happy New Year with enjoyable and successful beekeeping throughout 2018?
The first event of 2018 is this Friday, when we have Bee Keeper’s Question Time with myself acting as chairman. I will be joined by our own special local expert Alan Stonell as well as Liz and Colin Taylor from Melksham BKA. Do come prepared by thinking up some interesting questions for us. This is the evening when you may well get four different answers to one question! I would encourage all new beekeepers to think of a question, even if you think it is very simple to answer, your question may remind the more experienced beekeepers of something they had forgotten. This will I hope, be an entertaining, enjoyable and social event for all.
On Saturday 30 December we had the Mulled Wine, Mince Pies and Oxalic Acid event. It was really good as 15 hardy members turned up and were well instructed by our Apiary Manager into the correct way to give the bees oxalic acid. I felt this was very beneficial to all who came. Thank you, David for running this important treatment demonstration for our Association bees. See photos at bottom of page.
I am still slowly trying to put the 2018 programme together – I have emailed speakers who say they will give us a talk, but getting a reply email with the title of their talk has been like getting blood out of a stone, and I am still waiting!
I have been asked to sell a complete national hive with:- AS floor, standard brood, two supers, crown board, queen excluder, and roof. All used but I would say in very good order £145 the lot. First come first served. Give me a call on 01672 852265.
Hope to see many of you this Friday 5 January 7.30, at Bishop Cannings Village Hall SN10 2LA, with some of you will bringing some interesting questions for our ‘experts’.
All best wishes to all members.
Robert Carpenter Turner
Chairman Kennet Beekeepers
Tel: – 01672 852265 email:-